Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Craft Beer Explained

From July's Scandinavian Traveler, inflight magazine of the Scandinavian Airline System ('traveler'? - yes, SAS recently went over to US English. A surprising move in view of the fact that most of the English-speaking world uses British spelling), in an article about food in Boston:
"'We consider ourselves a craft beer bar, so we take a lot of pride in serving unique beers...' Hays says as she offers a couple of drinks to try with the oysters.
One is Lightning Fields, a sour ale, that is brewed with the citrus fruit Buddha's Hand. It has a lovely (sic) lemony-zesty flavor...
'A similar effect to squeezing a few drops of lemon on oysters,' Hays explains."

Of course - and what could go better with fish and chips than a foaming pint of nut brown vinegar?

I'd prefer to reserve the right to limit my consumption of sharp-flavoured appetisers to a few drops squeezed onto something I'm about to eat, rather than them being listed on the drinks menu and served in pint measures, but as I've pointed out before, it's becoming increasingly unusual to find any beer on offer that doesn't taste like bitter- or sour-tasting fruits or condiments.

A bulldog chewing a wasp/enjoying a craft beer

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