Friday, 12 September 2014

Defibrillated Frankenstein's Monsters of Fashion

From the BMC Superhero range

I'm noticing brown cars, which = the 1970s, and nearly everyone who wears one wears their baseball cap back to front, which = the 1980s (a recurring nightmare for Richard Dawkins). 

Brown T shirts seem to be popular, too. 

aka Pitkin in Albania
The seemingly never-ending tyranny of the skinny suit, too tight, and with sleeves and legs too short, worn with a pulled-down skinny tie with a strangled knot the size of a pea - a look pioneered by Norman Wisdom and taken up by Pee Wee Herman, now worn by everyone. 
Presumably a sick perversion of 1960s Madison Avenue/Mad Men suits worn by the Krays and the Sean Connery Bond.

For many years I predicted the return of the beehive hairdo - but this time as a male fashion. 

Jedward did their best, but in this case it seemed even my predictions were ahead of their time, until Justin Bieber showed the way.

Left: Having got rid of his trademark bowl cut, the beehive stands proud

(Yes, I know it's not Justin Beiber, and that's a pompadour not a beehive, but the photo that was here, of Miley Cyrus with more of a beehive, was removed because it infringed copyright.)

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